Our blog gives the O'Reilly DePalma Point of View on public relations, measurement, social media, lead generation, inbound marketing, and more.

Tailored to the interests of the design and construction industry.

What Brands Can Learn From the BlogHer 2012 Expo

New York, NY — Last week, I provided a preview of BlogHer 2012. Now comes the report on the...

10 Dead-Honest Reasons Reporters Delete Your Emails - Business Insider

Why there is no such thing as "free PR."

"It's time consuming to pitch multiple people. It's much...
What Do Pandas and Penguins Have to Do with Your Marketing Strategy?

When Google makes an algorithm change to its  search functions, they try to make it as black and...

Why Best Buy Might Not Make It

In the wake of founder Richard Schulze’s sudden departure from Best Buy last week, I shopped...

Doing Virtual Events Right

I’m at the 2012 Social Media Success Summit conference all this month. In my office, in between...

Why Is the Building Products Industry so Bad at Lead Nurturing?

For an industry with a generally long purchase cycle and an incredibly complex route-to-market...