Our blog gives the O'Reilly DePalma Point of View on public relations, measurement, social media, lead generation, inbound marketing, and more.

Tailored to the interests of the design and construction industry.

What I Learned as a Social Media Fake: Part 3

To thine own self be true is not only Shakespearean and Biblical wisdom, it is also true of...

What I Learned as a Social Media Fake: Part 2

My life as a social media fake came crashing to an end when my stepson almost died in an accident...

What I Learned as a Social Media Fake: Part 1

Social media turns out to be one place you can’t fake it until you make it.

Use Social Media to Connect with Home Buying Moms

“Moms trust other moms,” says Carol Flammer, president of Flammer Relations, quoted in this great ...

Social Media Tips from Green Chamber of the South Panel


Architects and Social Media –

Architects using social media report greater visibility and interest from journalists and peers,...