Our blog gives the O'Reilly DePalma Point of View on public relations, measurement, social media, lead generation, inbound marketing, and more.

Tailored to the interests of the design and construction industry.

Doing Virtual Events Right

I’m at the 2012 Social Media Success Summit conference all this month. In my office, in between...

Building Relationships on Twitter with Stacy Garcia

People who think Twitter is nothing more than giant time suck probably don’t know about Twitter...

Social Media for Brands and Builders Todd Vendituoli

Builder and blogger Todd Vendituoli notes that first dates can be hard. Especially between...

A Klout Definition, As Best We Can

Klout scores are one of the best-known social media ranking tools.  The definition of Klout gets...

Blogger Profile: Patty Woodland, Goat Publicist

When Jersey girl Patty Woodland left the hustle and bustle of city life and moved out to the open...

Six Terrific Design Bloggers

Paul Anater (below right) tells the story of going to KBIS a few years ago when he ate dinner...