O'Reilly DePalma Client Success Stories

Launching a New Product with a National Trade Show

An at-booth press conference was in the mix when O’Reilly DePalma helped launch a new product at AHR Expo.


In addition to developing a comprehensive electronic product launch kit, O’Reilly DePalma helped coordinate a press conference so that influential industry journalists could preview the new pump series and meet with product specialists. To offer exclusive storylines and cultivate long-term relationships, the agency also coordinated a series of one-on-one executive briefings between select editors and Grundfos’ President.

O'Reilly DePalma helped coordinate this 2013 Grundfos press conference

In all, between the breakfast news conference and the one-on-one executive meetings, the agency delivered 27 editor visits during the three-day show.

Many of these contractor marketing strategies are described in a previous post What are the most effective ways to connect with media attending a trade show?

The editors appreciated the opportunity not only to see and hear about the new product first-hand, but also to shape their own, proprietary articles through the one-on-one interviews.Resulting coverage among both print and online trade outlets was significant, as shown below.







John O'Reilly

John O'Reilly leads O'Reilly DePalma branded content and media relations teams. Trained professionally in journalism, he is valued by clients and the media for savvy interviewing and knowing how to deliver the story accurately, on deadline.

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